Adoption Announcement - June 29, 2006

Olivia-Reh Ming Li was born on September 18, 2005 in the Province of Guangdong in the Peoples Republic of China. She has been in the Zhanjiang orphanage since the day after she was born. Zhanjiang is located to the southwest of the city of Guangzhou on an inlet of the South China Sea.

At her check up on April 5, she weighed 15.18 lbs and was 25.29 inches long. She has dark brown hair and brown eyes. Her care giver says she loves to laugh and play and she can hold her head up on her own. She has a very close bond with her caregiver at the orphanage.

Her given name Minig means bright and Li means beautiful.

I will be traveliing in the month of August to Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong, to adopt Olivia-Reh and bring her home.

The first photo!! June 27, 2006

This is my first photo of Olivia-Reh Ming Li. Even with no hair, I think she is beautiful. After all Ming Li means bright and beautiful.

June 27, 2006

It is a beautiful Tuesday. At 1:10 this afternoon, I was sitting at my desk at work and I received a phone call from a Nancy congratulating me on my daughter. Even though I had been waiting for the phone call, I thought this was a prank call and almost hung up the phone...almost. Then it hit me. THIS IS IT!!!!

Nancy, from the adoption agency, was telling me that I had been matched with a beautiful baby girl named Zhan Ming Li.

I was so excited I started calling everyone...and no one was home!! :(